add Qt Creator to Select Application Menu (Ubuntu)
derived from:
Ubuntu, Jammy Fish
building from source all set and done:
I can call my app with /home/j/Downloads/qtcreator_build/bin/qtcreator, I've set desktop file which can be open with Command "type qt", I can add to shorcut favorites tab as well, but If I open my cpp or h files I can not select qt in Select Application list! -
Just search/browse for your application path... it should be where you've built QtCreator.
If this doesn't work
Check:Btw: Building in "Downloads" might not be the best idea. If you clear your download directory some day cause it's full of other junk, your QtCreator is gone.
@JacobNovitsky Qt Creator would be in the applications list, with appropriate file type associations, if you had used the Online Installer (i.e. a desktop file is put in the right place). Beyond that, this is not a function that Qt is involved in.
This is what the desktop file should look like:
[Desktop Entry] Type=Application Exec="/home/j/Downloads/qtcreator_build/bin/qtcreator" %F Name=Qt Creator GenericName=The IDE of choice for Qt development. Icon=QtProject-qtcreator StartupWMClass=qtcreator Terminal=false Categories=Development;IDE;Qt; MimeType=text/x-c++src;text/x-c++hdr;text/x-xsrc;application/x-designer;application/vnd.qt.qmakeprofile;application/vnd.qt.xml.resource;text/x-qml;text/x-qt.qml;text/x-qt.qbs;
Desktop files live in
PRO files can be problematic because they are variously treated as generic text, MATLAB, or other files by default.
@ChrisW67 said in add Qt Creator to Select Application Menu (Ubuntu):
Exec="/home/j/Downloads/qtcreator_build/bin/qtcreator" %F
Name=Qt Creator
GenericName=The IDE of choice for Qt development.
MimeType=text/x-c++src;text/x-c++hdr;text/x-xsrc;application/x-designer;application/vnd.qt.qmakeprofile;application/vnd.qt.xml.resource;text/x-qml;text/x-qt.qml;text/x-qt.qbs;opened :) thanks
Last thing: how to delete dummy kit (Desktop) ?
@JacobNovitsky It is auto-detected by Qt Creator and will come back even if you managed to delete it in (
Edit > Preferences > Kits
). Removing it in preferences will not remove it from existing projects.Just ignore it. Don't use it if you do not want to.