Changes not applied after compiling and running (QT Creator)
- Sorry for asking this question: Are the changes saved?
- If you go to project settings -> build and hit "Details" on the right, you will see the selected build targets.
What is checked there? "Current Executable" or "all"? - Are you running the executable, that is compiled? Sometimes, the debug target is compiled, but the release target is run and vice versa.
- Finally: What does the "Compile Output" tab say? Was the compilation successful or did it have errors?
@Axel-Spoerl I dont't see any Checks for "current executable" or "all". My build steps consists in:
qmake: qmake.exe name_project,pro
Make: : mingw32-make.exe -j12 in C:\Users\User\Documents\build-name_project-Desktop_Qt_6_6_1_MinGW_64_bit-DebugI tried running the executable in the output folder as well as running directly in the IDE.
The compile output says the compilation was succesful.Thanks for taking your time helping me.
@Axel-Spoerl The only thing that worked for me was deleting the outuput build folder in C:\Users\user\Documents\build-name_project and building it all again then restarting the IDE
@eucor, and that has fixed the problem generally, or do you have to delete & restart every time?
Maybe the build tree is broken, or the virus scanner steps on the compiler's toes.