Embedding an External Qt Application on to another QML Application Screen in Linux
I am trying to embed an external application which was developed using Qt into an QML application screen in linux, I just have the external application executable. I am able to load the application using QProcess, but i am not able to embed/fit the external application on my QML application screen. Kindly Help me if anyone have done this task or any web links containing documentation to achieve this. -
I'm also trying to do this same problem.
I have a paid qt support account so asked this same question there. looks like it's possible, but 1. OS dependent and 2. has some major downsides. In my case i do have the source code for embeded project so i'm just going to merge two projects.
heres their response for reference.
"It would likely be easier if you could merge the two projects together.On Linux side, embedding external windows should be possible with X11. Use QWindow::fromWinId() to create a handle, then setParent() with your real application window. Note that this window will still be its own window, but it is just stuck there. So nothing in the main application window can go over this content. There are some issues with this though. Focus handling for example.
If you need to support Wayland, I suggest merging the two projects. But if that is not possible, it could be doable by creating your own Wayland compositor within your application and make the other application open inside it.
If you are running it on EGLFS, there is no embedding there and you need to merge them as they would fight over the framebuffer."