problem with auto indent, qt creator bug?
i just installed qt 6.6.0 and qt creator 11.0.3 (community), i uninstalled my old qt and creator before installing this one.
but i have a problem with the automatic indenting feature. it's creating an alternating pattern for all my indents like this:
private: int var1; //2 spaces int var2; //4 spaces int var3; //2 spaces int var4; //4 spaces
my settings are:
Edit > Preferences > C++ > Clangformat settings:
Formatting mode: Indenting only.
Current settings: Qt [built-in]these settings are supposed to create a consistent 4 space indent, and the preview window shows it working correctly, but in the ide itself it's broken and you get an alternating pattern.
if i disable formatting with Formatting mode: Disable. it does stop alternating the indents.
i tried deleting everything in %APPDATA%\QtProject to reset all the qt creator settings to defaults, but it didn't fix it.
so is this a bug or how can i fix this?
C Christian Ehrlicher moved this topic from General and Desktop on
i think this is a bug so i just reported it on the jira. here is the bug track page for it: anyone else has this issue, i found a workaround to fix the problem, and it's listed on that page.