How to add color gradient for different range of points in graph series in qml?
I'm using Spline series..I want to show that the point in the series should have different colors based on the values within the range.. like..from 0 to 10 the range of points should be green,last 10 points in the color red..i tried to change the color of the line,but it is changing for the whole graph series
like this
Is this what void QXYSeries::setPointsConfiguration(const QHash<int, QHash<QXYSeries::PointConfiguration, QVariant>> &pointsConfiguration) is for?Enables customizing the configuration of multiple points as specified by pointsConfiguration.
@Vijaykarthikeyan ...And I have a feeling that means you cannot do it in 5.x....
@Vijaykarthikeyan What answer is there other than as many splits as different color segments?
i found the answer in