Window Modality & Drawer Question
General and Desktop
Hi everybody.
May be I am mistaken or have forgotten how to do it.
I think it was possible to get a dialog as a "top drawer" in the Main window by setting its modality to "Application" modal.Now when I do this in Qt Creator I get a standard Modal Window
but not "a dialog sliding out from the top".What I am missing here?
I use Qt 5.5.13 and Qt Creator 10.0.0 rc-1.
thx in advance
@mpergand Hi, yes you are right - I am talking about "sheet".
I tried to set Modality from code and within QtCreator.
In Both cases it does not work and I get a normal dialog popping up.mAssistant = new ManualAssistant(); mAssistant->setModal(true); mAssistant->setWindowModality(Qt::WindowModal); mAssistant->show(); //I tried also mAssistant->exec()
Seems to be broken somehow.
Regards Alex