Play Video using Gstreamer and QML
QML and Qt Quick
I am trying to play video in QML using gstreamer with app sink. The video is playing but i have few concerns listed below:
**1. Hardware five YUV NV12 format decoded frame which i converting to RGB using OpenVC. Need other suitable options if available.
While running the application i see the memory consumed by the application is increasing overtime and finally crashes due to huge memory usage. Need to know why it's happening.
Sometime the playback hangs for no reason,**
Please find below program for reference:
//Class to pull decoded data from Gstreamer pipeline int ImageProvider::width=1920; int ImageProvider::height=1080; GstSample* ImageProvider::sample =nullptr; GstBuffer* ImageProvider::sampleBuffer=nullptr; GstMapInfo ImageProvider::bufferInfo; cv::Mat ImageProvider::rgbMat(height + height/2,width,CV_8UC3,cv::Scalar(0,0,255)); cv::Mat ImageProvider::yuvMat(height + height/2,width,CV_8UC1,cv::Scalar(0,0,255)); cv::Mat ImageProvider::scaledMat(300,500,CV_8UC3,cv::Scalar(0,0,255)); ImageProvider::ImageProvider(QObject *parent) { m_image = QImage(500,300,QImage::Format_RGB888); m_image.fill(Qt::black); } GstFlowReturn ImageProvider::newSample(GstAppSink *sink, gpointer gSelf) { ImageProvider* self = static_cast<ImageProvider* >(gSelf); sample = gst_app_sink_pull_sample(GST_APP_SINK(sink)); if(sample != NULL) { sampleBuffer = gst_sample_get_buffer(sample); if(sampleBuffer != NULL) { gst_buffer_map(sampleBuffer, &bufferInfo, GST_MAP_READ); yuvMat = cv::Mat(height + height/2,width,CV_8UC1,; cv::cvtColor(yuvMat,rgbMat,cv::COLOR_YUV2RGB_NV12); cv::resize(rgbMat,scaledMat,cv::Size(500,300)); self->m_image = QImage(,scaledMat.cols,scaledMat.rows,QImage::Format_RGB888); if(self->m_image.isNull()) { qDebug() << "Image is null"; } else { emit self->imageChanged(); } gst_buffer_unmap(sampleBuffer, &bufferInfo); } gst_sample_unref(sample); } return GST_FLOW_OK; } //QPaint class LiveVideoImage::LiveVideoImage(QQuickItem *parent) { m_image = QImage(500,300,QImage::Format_RGB888); m_image.fill(Qt::black); } void LiveVideoImage::setImage(const QImage &image) { m_image = image; if(m_image.size().width() > 0) update(); } void LiveVideoImage::paint(QPainter *painter) { painter->drawImage(0,0,m_image); } // In main.cpp QQmlContext* context = engine.rootContext(); qmlRegisterType<LiveVideoImage>("Test.VideoImage",1,0,"LiveImage"); //QML File import Test.VideoImage 1.0 Rectangle{ width: 500 height: 300 id:videoPlayer x:parent.width*0.24 y:parent.height*0.3 LiveImage{ width: 500 height: 300 image:LiveImageProvider.image } }
Using Qt5.13.2
Please let me know if you need any other details -