Can't use built in SQLite functions after building SQLite plugin in Qt 6.5.1
Hi, I need to use built in SQLite hook function. For this purpose i've built SQLite plugin for my prebuilt Qt that I got from online installer. I have tried the following from what Qt docs suggests:
- Downloaded SQLite 3.42.0 source (amalgamation) and windows binaries from offcial site
- Compiled binaries into sqlite3.lib via CMD for VS 2017 with: "lib /DEF:sqlite3.def /OUT:sqlite3.lib /MACHINE:x64"
- configured via Qt 6.5.1 CMD with command: "qt-cmake -G Ninja C:\Qt\6.5.1\Src\qtbase\src\plugins\sqldrivers -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=C:\Qt\6.5.1\mingw_64 -DCMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH=C:\libs\sqlite-amalgamation-3420000 -DCMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH=C:\libs\sqlite-amalgamation-3420000 -DFEATURE_system_sqlite=ON". All sqlite3 files (binaries and .c/.h) were in sqlite-amalgamation-3420000 folder.
- cmake --build .
- cmake --install .
- Using sqlite header file in my project tried to call a function which gives me error of undefined reference.
Have I built it wrong way or am I using it incorecctly?
I would appreciate any help. Thanks in advance. -
You can as explained in the documentation but you have to link against the exact same sqlite library and it must not be compiled statically into the plugin but a separate sqlite dll.
@ioki9 said in Can't use built in SQLite functions after building SQLite plugin in Qt 6.5.1:
Using sqlite header file in my project tried to call a function which gives me error of undefined reference.
I would not expect anything else since the sqlite functions are in a Qt sql plugin and not exported anywhere.
@Christian-Ehrlicher So basically I can't use built in SQLite functions and Qt SQL in the same project?
You can as explained in the documentation but you have to link against the exact same sqlite library and it must not be compiled statically into the plugin but a separate sqlite dll.
@Christian-Ehrlicher I thought that linking to Qt SQLite was enough after rebuilding plugin and using header. It worked after I linked to the initial library I was building Qt plugin from. Thanks for your help!
@ioki9 said in Can't use built in SQLite functions after building SQLite plugin in Qt 6.5.1:
I thought that linking to Qt SQLite was enough after rebuilding plugin and using header.
It can't - it does not export the sqlite functions in any way (why should it).