PySide6 cannot find QtWebEngineWidgets module
My python environment is: pycharm2022 Professional Edition, the operating system is UOS arm64, and python verison is 3.9.16. I installed pyside6 using conda, but I can’t import PySide6.QtWebEngineWidgets in pycharm, and it prompts that there is no such module. I uninstalled PySide6 during the period then reinstalled it, which still doesn't work. Moreover, this pyside is already the latest version.
Later, I tried to install PySide2, which is able to import PySide2.QtWebEngineWidgets. Does anyone know why? -
I don't know, but it would not surprise me if QtWebEngineWidgets does not come with the base packages installed for PySide6. Check to see whether anything withWebEngine
in it is in the installed area. You may need to find it explicitly to install via pip, or see