Using QtLocation after building and installing
I downloaded QtLocation using the Qt6.3 branch and then compiled it and installed it on Windows. The install went just find and it looks like all the directories for QtLocation were installed just fine.
Now I went to use it in QtCreator. I added the location module in my sample project file and Qt Creator did not complain about not finding it. When I tried to add an import statement to my sime main.qml file using Qt 6.3.0, it complained that it could not find it,saying that QML module not found (QtLocation). Funny the IDE tries to offer help by suggesting QtLoction 5.15- 5.9. I have tried
import QtLocation
import QtLocation 6.3But nothing works. I checked the modliues directory under 6.3.0\msvc2019-64\modules and there is a Location.json file. I think the mkspec has entried for the new QtLocation as well.
Any ideas on how I can use it QtLocation is greatly appreciated.
David -
Got the loctaion module to install with the dev branch, though think it would also install with the 6.3 Error. One has to load Location's CMake file into QtCreator and under the run configurations there are man y things one must check on to build plugins (Location Plugin, OSM, MapBox, etc) Only one example worked out of the box and that was the MinimalMap as the other examples used a lot of QtQuickControls from 1.x and those weren't working yet with Qt 6.4 snapshot, or maybe I just didn't download them.
No, but I did download QtLocation from it's git repository. They have a Qt 6.3 (And even a 6.4 using Vulkan). So was able to download the 6.3 branch and with the Cmake file (*.pro did not work for me) Was able to build and install it. The install went to my QT/6.3./msvc2019 and everything seemed to install just fine. But I cannot do an "import QtLocation". Like QtCreator does not know about it still. So looking for secret sauce to allow QtCreator to find it still
Got the loctaion module to install with the dev branch, though think it would also install with the 6.3 Error. One has to load Location's CMake file into QtCreator and under the run configurations there are man y things one must check on to build plugins (Location Plugin, OSM, MapBox, etc) Only one example worked out of the box and that was the MinimalMap as the other examples used a lot of QtQuickControls from 1.x and those weren't working yet with Qt 6.4 snapshot, or maybe I just didn't download them.