QUiLoader in QtScript won't load a .ui file
I used QtScript Generator to generate the QT bindings.
Then I imported all the bindings into C++ and tried to make a quick sample program. What I am trying to do, is use QTDesigner to create a .ui file, and then use QtScript and QUiLoader to load the ui file in the script. I continuously get segfaults on the load portion.
Here is a simple version of the code.
@ function testThis(parent){ QMainWindow.call(this,parent); this.loadUi(); } testThis.prototype = new QMainWindow(); testThis.prototype.loadUi = function(){ var loader = new QUiLoader(); var file = new QFile('./test.ui'); var fileExists = file.exists(); if(fileExists){ var fileOpen = file.open(QIODevice.ReadOnly); if(fileOpen){ var huh = loader.createWidget("QLabel",0, "test"); huh.show(); var ui = this.loader.load(this.file,this); file.close(); } } } var newWindow = new testThis(); QCoreApplication.exec();@
the C++ side works fine, I am basically using the qs_eval that ships with the scripts to even try and test this. All of the opens and exists are true, so the QFile is there.
Just the ui=loader.load is where the problems are.. any help would be appreciated. It always throws a seg fault when it reaches this line of code.
Oh the huh label shows up just fine, so I know that the QUiLoader is at least working and creating widgets by name.
I am using Qt 4.7.
Oh and on a side note, I've tried it with the this. and I have tried it without them, some won't work, but they all eventually give the same result.