How to disable dialog.exec() warning?
I am using 6.3 with asyncify, the dialog.exec() run normally, but when the dialog is open, the browser console prompt the warning message below continueously. it is difficault to debug other things. Is there any way to stop prompt the messages?
Warning: dialog exec() is not supported on Qt for WebAssembly in this configuration. Please use show() instead, or enable experimental support for asyncify.
qtloader.js:396 When using exec() (without asyncify) the dialog will show, the user can interact with it and the appropriate signals will be emitted on close. However, the exec() call never returns, stack content at the time of the exec() call is leaked, and the exec() call may interfere with input event processing -
That message will not show for ayncify configurations.
It is ifdef'd out by the #ifndef QT_HAVE_EMSCRIPTEN_ASYNCIFY
Did you configure Qt with -device-option QT_EMSCRIPTEN_ASYNCIFY=1 and rebuild?If you are seeing that message, you probably have not configured qt to use asyncify.
@lorn-potter Yes, I rebuild QT with the below configure., and thread and asyncify work well.
configure -no-warnings-are-errors -qt-host-path e:/qt/6.3.0/mingw_64 -xplatform wasm-emscripten -nomake examples -feature-thread -device-option QT_EMSCRIPTEN_ASYNCIFY=1 -prefix e:/Qt/6.3.0/wasm_async