Implementing serial communication using Bluetooth - please advise
After few detours I now have working Bluetooth code.
My next task is to actually pass simple serial data via serial port.I have the serial port code ready to do so.
What I am missing is how to "link " the hardware - USB serial port to Bluetooth hardware.
Would this class be a good start ?
Are there any example code ?
Since I am not using QT Bluetooth API I would like to stay away from "btchat" example.
Bluetooth LE != Bluetooth Serial -
@raven-worx Thanks for your comment.
I have been searching for document DESCRIBING ALL parts of "bluetooth connection" as "I/O" .
So far no luck - only bits and pieces.
Most "tutorials " are "impressed with " and concentrate on "wireless communication".
Somehow "serial I/O / USB / bluetooth / wireless " is too complicated to describe as "communication between devices ".
Maybe I will eventual;y "roll my own ".
I went back to "btchat" and slowly slugging my way thru the code.
As I said before - it is not well documented code, but it is better than nothing.
Worst part is inconsistency in terminology - local / remote / client /server/ serial / bluetooth / rfcomm - all mixed up...Still do not see how serial data communication ( baud rate / parity etc.) is implemented / coded. Perhaps it is under "service".