Qt 4.8 QSlider handle size
Its only 3 because the vertical handles are tracking and it was resized to obscure the one under it. Now the CSS is fixed both sets of handles move together.
I can't really do the screen shot until Thursday so I'm hoping it isn't required?
Aha nice! So if they move together (both horizontally and vertically) that means your screen now looks similar to my screenshot 5 days ago?
Which means you can use this as a solution for displaying classical grooves and simultaneously having resizable QSlider handles on your Qt 4.8.4... -
@hskoglund , I'm just a little confused as to why you chose to show four sliders when only two are required?
I tried lots of variations with just one QSlider, but couldn’t find a way to both have a resizable handle and proper grooves.
So by introducing one extra ”dummy” QSlider hidden underneath, was a way out of this dilemma. -
Forgot to say:: the reason for having 4 sliders instead of 2 was just for the demo (and to make sure horizontal and vertical QSliders behaved the same)
@hskoglund , I know this is quite an old post now, I've been working on other stuff and now revisiting this, here are a few observations:
- With QSlider style set as follows:
QSlider::groove:vertical { background: transparent; } QSlider::handle:vertical { background: #eeeeee; border: 1px solid grey; width: 80px; height: 10px; } QSlider::groove:horizontal { background: transparent; } QSlider::handle:horizontal { background: #eeeeee; border: 1px solid grey; width: 10px; height: 80px; }
With the above both handles appear the correct size and orientation. No groove is obviously visible.
If I remove the content of the groove style just leaving:
QSlider::groove:vertical { } QSlider::handle:vertical { background: #eeeeee; border: 1px solid grey; width: 80px; height: 10px; } QSlider::groove:horizontal { } QSlider::handle:horizontal { background: #eeeeee; border: 1px solid grey; width: 10px; height: 80px; }
Whilst the groove and ticks are now visible the handle is the wrong way in both orientations.
Hi, I tried your QSlider style set without any contents in the groove style in my demo program above but couldm't reproduce the handle being drawn the wrong way. Could you make a small demo app of the bug?
@hskoglund , thank you , are you using the same version of QT?
No, I have Qt 4.8.7 (not 4.8.4) but it shouldn't matter.
@hskoglund thank you, just wanted to be sure it wasn’t a much later version. Although even the difference between 4.8.4 and 4.8.7 could still mean a bug in a earlier release.