Auto format Markdown text in QML textarea/text edit
QML and Qt Quick
I am trying to implement the same feature as that of Slack where in a user can type a markdown text such as (asterisk asterisk) hello (asterisk asterisk) and it automatically converts to markdown version in the same TextArea.
I read the documentation and tested it and it doesnt do auto detect and replace,
so i was planning to listen to onTextChanged event and just reset the text but unfortunately, the Markdown format doesnt reflect.if I type (asterisk)(asteriks) hello (asterisk) (asterisk), and reset it back to textArea.text = text
TextArea { id: mainText anchors.fill : parent textFormat: TextEdit.MarkdownText onTextChanged: { mainText.text = text; }
Is there a way to do this in QML? im using 5.15. If not any suggestion on how to do this?