QT Virtual Keyboard not appears
Virtual Keyboard only appears when start application with qt creator.
I deploy my exe file.windeployqt <exe Fıle>
My exe file is opening but keyboard not appears.
I am using QT 5.14.2 .
Did you check that the related plugins have been deployed as well ?
What if you run your application like this:
QT_IM_MODULE=qtvirtualkeyboard myapp
On your terminal.
Right, you are on Windows.
is an environment variable.set QT_IM_MODULE="qtvirtualkeyboard" your_app_name
The two separate lines were on purpose.
The next debugging step is to set the QT_DEBUG_PLUGINS environment variable to 1 and start your application. You'll have a log of what of what is happening with the plugins. Check in there the entries related to QtVirtualKeyboard.
What can't you do ?
We gave you literally what you need to write in Windows command prompt to debug your issue.
@SGaist I figure it out. When i am writing
windeployqt TRM.exe
Automatically it add Qt5Core.dll. It is blocking virtual keyboard. But when i copy Qt5Core.dll from qt path virtual keyboard appear.
After that i copy the all .exe file to another computer which is not installed Qt. Program doesn't work.
0xc00007b ERROR occuring. -
You should use the windeployqt executable that matches the version where you have the virtual keyboard module installed.
If you have a different QtCore version then it's pretty strange.
By the way, which compiler are you using ?
Did you check that you have the MinGW runtime dlls deployed as well ?