Dev Setup For Windows CE
General and Desktop
I didnt see any information (my bad) for wndows CE qt 6.
What is the best develpment setup for windows CE Qt development ? Can we use windows 10 and than send app to windows CE ?
I am totally new to windows. I am linux guy
@RahibeMeryem said in Dev Setup For Windows CE:
I didnt see any information (my bad) for wndows CE qt 6.
Support for Windows CE was dropped in Qt 5.0. 3rd party consultants might be able to help you set up an old version of Qt 5:
However, there is no way to run Qt 6 on Windows CE. Qt 6 requires a C++17 compiler, while Windows CE is only supported by Visual Studio 2008 or earlier. (Even newer versions of Qt 5 won't work, since they require C++11)