Qt c++ create photoshop like application
Hi I want to ask you if there is any way how to load image to Qt window like in photoshop, then create something like "tool" - some circle. I want to move with this circle with mouse and when I click I need to to something with all pixels in that circle. For example get values from this circle and change them.
example -
@Samuel-Bachorik the simplest, I think, is to make QGraphicsView in UI, then on the backend QGraphicsScene that would be rendered in the view.
Images can be loaded as QGraphicsPixmapItem.
Brush/cursor can be of QGraphicsEllipseItem.There would be some work involved to link movements of the mouse with ellipse item but not much.
Documentation: https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qgraphicsview.html for basic principle; the view, scene and graphic items are all linked in there.
This solution would also prove useful when you come to coding the interactions between "the cursor" and "the photos".