Instantiating QML Dialog from c++, "cannot find any window to open popup in"
[Qt 5.15.2, Win10, MinGW64]
I am trying to open up a Popup or a Dialog from the c++ side.
I get this error message:boxComp.errorString(): "" boxComp.errors(): () qrc:/UserInteractionBox.qml:4:1: QML UserInteractionBox: cannot find any window to open popup in.
My code does work, if I use Window {...} instead of Popup […} or Dialog{…}, but I want to use dynamic instantiation in several contexts and I need the functionality of the QQuick items.
From c++, I instantiate it this way:
void createBox(QQuickWindow* window) { QQmlComponent boxComp( m_engine, QUrl( "qrc:/UserInteractionBox.qml" ) ); qDebug()<<"boxComp.errorString(): "<<boxComp.errorString(); qDebug()<<"boxComp.errors():"<<boxComp.errors(); boxComp.setParent(window); auto obj = boxComp.create(m_engine->rootContext()); }
I call this with
auto box = new UserInteractionBox(&engine,"test", "test","test"); box->createBox(m_view);
With m_view being a controller member that holds the view used to load main.qml
m_view = new QQuickView(&engine, nullptr);
This is my Dialog, UserInteractionBox.qml:
import QtQuick 2.0 import QtQuick.Controls 2.15 Dialog { id: userInteractionBox title: "some title" property string text: "initialText" Component.onCompleted: open() }
How can I provide a valid Window to open a new item in? -
Solved. The error message, speaking about a "window", is a bit misleading, as we need to set not the window itself, but the window's contentItem() as a parent.
For posterity, my working code:
QQuickWindow *mainWindow = qobject_cast<QQuickWindow*>(m_engine->rootObjects().value(0)); QQmlComponent boxComp( m_engine, QUrl( "qrc:/UserInteractionBox.qml" ) ); QVariantMap initialProperties; initialProperties["parent"] = QVariant::fromValue(mainWindow->contentItem()); initialProperties["title"] = m_title; initialProperties["text"] = m_text; QQmlContext *ctxt = m_view->rootContext(); auto obj = boxComp.createWithInitialProperties(initialProperties,ctxt); QMetaObject::invokeMethod(obj, "open");
As for the Dialog, my starting point is simply:
import QtQuick 2.0 import QtQuick.Controls 2.15 Dialog { id: userInteractionBox property string text: "" TextArea { anchors.fill: parent text: userInteractionBox.text } }