Stretch factor property missing from QSplitter in Qt Designer property editor (bug/feature req/by design)?
QSplitter vs QVBoxLayout
I used the QSplitter in the Qt Designer for the first time.
For some reason the stretch factor from QSplitter is not available in the Designer property editor as the "layoutStretch" from a layout.
<layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout" stretch="1,0"> <property name="sizeConstraint"> <enum>QLayout::SetDefaultConstraint</enum> </property>
I think this is an essential part of the QSplitter class to be able to change and exported to a ui-file like a layout.
Now I have to call the splitter method (QSplitter::setStretchFactor) from code to set a stretch factor but this should not be the way to do it in my opinion.
Is this a bug, feature request or is it deliberate just by design?
@A-v-O said in Stretch factor property missing from QSplitter in Qt Designer property editor (bug/feature req/by design)?:
Is this a bug, feature request or is it deliberate just by design?
As described in the documentation it simply sets the stretch factor for the widgets of the splitter layout. So set the factor directly there.
@Christian-Ehrlicher said in Stretch factor property missing from QSplitter in Qt Designer property editor (bug/feature req/by design)?:
As described in the documentation it simply sets the stretch factor for the widgets of the splitter layout. So set the factor directly there.
Thanks I also found out that there was a relation between the stretch factor from the widgets and in the Splitter.
So there could be 2 locations to set the same value.Problem solved :)