How to install QT VS Tools add-in? What versions are most stable?
I am struggling to get QT VS Tools installed on my machine. However, I can't get VS 2015/2019 to recognize my QT installation (from QT VS Tools | Qt Options ).
I have tried VS 2015/2019 Community Edition.
![alt text](image url)
Though, I am not sure why the QT installations (namely Qt 6.1.2 & Qt 5.14.0) are not added to the list as I do below steps.
FYI, I tried different versions of the QT VS Tools add-in
qt-vsaddin-msvc2019-2.7.1-rev.18.vsix- For one thing, I need to know what is the best installation order to get things to work properly.
- What QT version(s) is/are most suitable for VS 2019/2015 integration?
- What QT VS Tools versions are more stable?
I also get an error message in the VS Output Window which I will attach below shortly.
Much appreciate your valuable comments.
Mike -
There is no answer to this, does this mean it is a rare issue?
I have VS Pro 2022 and see the issue there.... 7 years on.