QAxObject Excel
I am newbie to using QAxObject.
My problem is I know how to use the find method, but I don't know how to use the row and column values I get with the find method in the for loop.For example;
First, I need to find out which column the number information is in. Then i'll get the numbers and l take the values corresponding to the numbers.QString noStr = "No"; QAxObject* findNoStr = range->querySubObject("Find(const QString&)", noStr ); // ForExample (&B&2) for (int row = 1; row <= /*findNoStr.row*/; row++) { // Something like this QAxObject* value = sheet->querySubObject("Cells(int,int)", row ,/*findNoStr.column */); numbers.pushback(value ->dynamicCall("Value()").toInt()) }
This would be better asked in an Excel forum, it is not connected to Qt.But if you are saying you get back a string like
, or similar, but you have to call something else with a row and column number, then just turn the "B2" into its row/column in your code. (I actually have a feeling there are Excel utility methods to convert betweenA1
-format and row-column-numbers, but it may be just as easy to do it yourself.) -
If you want to read any excel file then use
For Itmy personal experience saying that
take Lot's of time for read any kind of Excel file
Very complicated Conceptyou can see my code for Read Any Kind Of Excel File
QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QODBC", "xlsx_connection"); db.setDatabaseName("DRIVER={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls, *.xlsx, *.xlsm, *.xlsb)};DBQ=" + QString(FilePath) + ""); if( qDebug() << "Excel Is Connected"; else qDebug() << "Excel Is Not Connected"; QSqlQuery query(db); query.prepare("SELECT * FROM [" + QString("Sheet1") + "$]"); // Select range, place A1:B5 after $ if(query.exec()) { while ( { ///// Your Code } }
for this You must have to Install Mysql Driver For Excel
This is interesting, thanks for posting it.But I think it's only right to point out that what you get back, and what you can do with it, is very different from the VBA approach.
You can see OP Is shared her one image there he try to read All Rows One By One
QSqlQuery query(db); query.prepare("SELECT * FROM [" + QString("Sheet1") + "$]") if(query.exec()) { while ( { QString column1 = query.value(0).toString(); /// Column 1 Value QString column2 = query.value(1).toString(); /// Column 1 Value QString column3 = query.value(2).toString(); /// Column 1 Value } }
According to the my code
all columns value are store in specific variable one by one
You can store all are the values in Array Or ListOr If You want to read any single value then just provide it Range in Query
Because Excel Is working on Range Based (Range Based Structure) -