Qt Map deployable Application not running on non-development machine
Dear developers
I have created deployable folder of “mapviewer” example in Qt using “windeployqt” tool by taking following steps in “window 10”, 64 bit system.• Created “release” exe file of Qt “mapviewer” example using Qt Creator
• Copied exe file of Qt “mapviewer” example in new folder
• Run following command in windows commands promptC:\Qt\5.15.2\mingw81_64\bin\windeployqt.exe --qmldir C:\Qt\Examples\Qt-5.15.2\location\mapviewer qml_location_mapviewer.exe
After above mentioned steps when I click on “qml_location_mapviewer.exe” file in “deployable folder” on development PC (having windows 10 operating system) then “mapviewer” application starts without any problem but when I click on same “qml_location_mapviewer.exe” file on another computer (also having window 10 operating system and 64 bit architecture) then my application starts but it does not show any Map in application window.
In order to solve above problem I have already checked following things in non-development PC
Internet connection
Openssl package installed in PC and available as System variable.
checked with dependency Walker for missing package
Can you please inform me, how can I debug this problem ?
According to me some “non-Qt” package which is needed to show Map in Qt application is missing in “non-development” computer but do not know which package is this or how to find it?
If you know possible missing non-Qt package which is needed to show map in Qt application, then please also inform me about it.Thank you !!
See https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/deployment-plugins.html#debugging-plugins
On the “non-development” computer run on cmd:
set QT_DEBUG_PLUGINS 1 qml_location_mapviewer.exe