Need help with sip to create a PyQt5 wrapper for a C++ object that inherits from QWidget.
I'm trying to create a PyQt5 wrapper for a C++ object that inherits from QWidget.
All the documentation that I can find seems to be either out of date or incomplete.
Platform is Windows.
I'm using Python version 3.9.2
I have done
pip install PyQt5 # version 5.15.2
pip install sip # version 6.0.3I have downloaded source for Qt5.15.2 and compiled it.
In C++ I have created an object that inherits from QWidget.
I have compiled this object to a .dll and have the corresponding .libI have created a sip file for this widget.
I have created pyproject.toml file.When I run sip-build I see output:
sip-build: ::QWidget has not been definedI don't know what file sip-build desires for a definition of QWidget. A .sip, .h, .lib.
I have attempted to place paths to all of these files in pyproject.toml.I have looked at the project here:
python reports
No module named 'sipconfig', leading me to believe this is outdated.
The project also does not have pyproject.toml file.I have followed the official sip documentation.
There are 3 examples. The first 2 wrap ordinary 'C' code. These examples work.
The third example doesn't explain what files go into what folders and appears to not document one of the files. I could not make this work. This example was to demonstrate importing a module from another module. It did not wrap a QWidget. I can't find anything using sip-build that wraps a QWidget. -
If you do not get an answer here, sip questions may best be addressed to PyQt authors,