How to add a external library on Windows
INCLUDEPATH is for the includes, LIBS get the libraries.
INCLUDEPATH += C:/CornerStone/includeLIBS += -LC:/CornerStone/lib
LIBS += -lMultiWidgets -lFluffy
@It's unlikely that the include directory contains the libs.
The directory C:/CornerStone/lib must contain MultiWidgets.lib and Fluff.lib. If not, search for the directories that contain those and add them to the LIBS variable.
And as cincirin already mentioned, leave out the leading slash of the paths.
[quote author="Steban" date="1325609743"]So, how can i add the include folder, that contains the .hpp files that i need?[/quote]
[quote author="Lukas Geyer" date="1325283449"]If you want to add an include directory you will have to use INCLUDEPATH.[/quote]