Upgrading from qt 5.5.1 to qt 5.15.2
Hi all,
So I have an application that was written using QT Kit 5.5.1 and I used QtCreator 3.5.1 for building that app. I've decided to upgrade my kit to 5.15.2 and need some guidance as to how I should proceed and also in solving issues that may occur along the way. I'm currently using Windows 10. So far I've got the qt 5.15.2 source and tried building it. I used nmake when building older kit but for some reason it was keep failing for the newer one. So I used jom this time and got the whole kit working. Now I have the 5.15.2 kit and I installed QtCreator 4.14.2.
Inside the qtcreator, I opened my .pro file to load the project and went to Kits > Qt Versions and manually added the kit (5.15.2 qmake.exe). Then under Kits > kits I added a new kit, set the compiler versions, and added the qt version to use. Now when I run qmake I get:14:01:18: Running steps for project HomieClient... 14:01:18: Starting: "C:\opt\Qt\win32-msvc2017-5.15.2\bin\qmake.exe" C:\Users\putin\my_stuff\HomieClient\HomieClient.pro -spec win32-msvc "CONFIG+=debug" Project MESSAGE: Reading pc.pri Project MESSAGE: Reading windows.pri Project MESSAGE: 32-bit arch Project MESSAGE: NOTE: linking default VS libraries in precompiled !! Project MESSAGE: OpenCL support enabled Project MESSAGE: CONFIG win32:msvc Project ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT: webengine 14:01:18: The process "C:\opt\Qt\win32-msvc2017-5.15.2\bin\qmake.exe" exited with code 3. Error while building/deploying project HomieClient (kit: QTKit_new) When executing step "qmake" 14:01:18: Elapsed time: 00:01.
any idea what I could have done wrong?
oh and here's my configure command that I used (my_configure.bat):
set TARGET_MKSPEC=win32-msvc2017 call configure.bat -icu -I C:\Users\putin\qt_deps\include -L C:\Users\putin\qt_deps\lib -openssl -debug-and-release -release -opensource -confirm-license -skip qtsvg -skip qttranslations -skip qtlocation -skip qtsensors -skip qtserialport -skip qtscript -nomake tests -nomake examples -platform %TARGET_MKSPEC% -mp -opengl dynamic -ltcg -directwrite -force-debug-info -prefix c:\opt\Qt\%TARGET_MKSPEC%-5.15.2
Any help would be highly appreciated!!
So it turns out that webengine was not getting build, thus that error above. For those having the same issue as me, try calling vcvarsall.bat with amd64_x86 as mentioned here: https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtwebengine-platform-notes.html
Hi, and welcome!
@Ather said in Upgrading from qt 5.5.1 to qt 5.15.2:
Project ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT: webengine
It looks like the Qt WebEngine module wasn't installed.
Close Qt Creator, then run MaintenanceTool.exe (in the root folder of your Qt installation).
Select "Add or remove components", and then install Qt > Qt 5.15.2 > Qt WebEngine.
@JKSH said in Upgrading from qt 5.5.1 to qt 5.15.2:
Hi, and welcome!
@Ather said in Upgrading from qt 5.5.1 to qt 5.15.2:
Project ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT: webengine
It looks like the Qt WebEngine module wasn't installed.
Close Qt Creator, then run MaintenanceTool.exe (in the root folder of your Qt installation).
Select "Add or remove components", and then install Qt > Qt 5.15.2 > Qt WebEngine.
But OP has compiled Qt manually, the precompiled web engine might not work.
Christian Ehrlicher Lifetime Qt Championreplied to sierdzio on 19 Apr 2021, 05:25 last edited by Christian Ehrlicher
@sierdzio said in Upgrading from qt 5.5.1 to qt 5.15.2:
But OP has compiled Qt manually, the precompiled web engine might not work.
You're correct, configure issued a warning that webengine was not build because the requirements did not match (WinSDK version does not match) - see https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtwebengine-platform-notes.html
Why not using the recompiled Qt? Much easier and with QtWebengine
@sierdzio said in Upgrading from qt 5.5.1 to qt 5.15.2:
But OP has compiled Qt manually
Ah, I missed that. Thanks for picking it up.
@Christian-Ehrlicher said in Upgrading from qt 5.5.1 to qt 5.15.2:
Why not using the recompiled Qt? Much easier and with QtWebengine
Agreed; building Qt WebEngine from source takes a a bit of work.
Thanks guys! I installed a precompiled version last night, going to try to test it out today and let you know if I run into any issues.
So it turns out that webengine was not getting build, thus that error above. For those having the same issue as me, try calling vcvarsall.bat with amd64_x86 as mentioned here: https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtwebengine-platform-notes.html