Detect "is_on_top" in QML StackView. How?
QML and Qt Quick
Hello all!
I need to detect that the QML Object is on top of StackView. Is there any way to do it?
For example:StackView { id: oStackView; width: parent.width; height: parent.height; Component.onCompleted: { oStackView.push(oScreenLogin); } Component {id: oScreenLogin; SScreenLogin {}} Component {id: oScreenSearch; SScreenSearch {}} Component {id: oScreenTest; SScreenTest {}} }
I need to detect inside of oScreenLogin that it is on top of StackView. How to do it?
Solution found. Issue closed.
Inside of SScreenLogin:property string pObjectName: "SScreenLogin"; id: oRoot; objectName: oRoot.pObjectName;
And inside of JS script:
if (oStackView.currentItem.objectName == oRoot.pObjectName) { On top } else { Not on top }