Qt6 Trying to construct an instance of an invalid type, type id: 1024
I just ported to Qt6 and I'm getting bombarded with > Trying to construct an instance of an invalid type, type id: 1024 / + a lot more ids.
In the past I was using stuff like >
//qRegisterMetaTypeStreamOperators<icVecInt>("icVecInt"); //qRegisterMetaTypeStreamOperators<icVecFloat>("icVecFloat"); //qRegisterMetaTypeStreamOperators<icVecDouble>("icVecDouble"); //qRegisterMetaTypeStreamOperators<QVector<int>>("QVector<int>");
+a lot more registers. But they all seem to be deprecated now. But yet my QVariants break :- (
How can I properly address it?
Im totally lost with QVariant and QMetaType so this is all black magic to me :/
Then call qRegisterMetaType<> for them which you should also have done for Qt5 already.
Dariuszreplied to Christian Ehrlicher on 3 Apr 2021, 16:27 last edited by Dariusz 4 Mar 2021, 16:29
@Christian-Ehrlicher Yes I had them set early in the code. They are still in Qt6 so I did not touch them. But I still got those issues. I'm stuck at it for an entire day now.
When Im deserializing a byteArray and load it intoQMap<int, QMap<int, QVariant>>
I keep getting those issues. Im deserializing custom treeItem.
hmmmm I need to make a standalone example & post it here. Any idea how to narrow down object type?>###### WARNING: Trying to construct an instance of an invalid type, type id: 1024 (\Users\qt\work\qt\qtbase\src\corelib\kernel\qmetatype.cpp:2901, const class QtPrivate::QMetaTypeInterface *__cdecl interfaceForType(int)) ###### ###### WARNING: Trying to construct an instance of an invalid type, type id: 1768117861 (\Users\qt\work\qt\qtbase\src\corelib\kernel\qmetatype.cpp:2901, const class QtPrivate::QMetaTypeInterface *__cdecl interfaceForType(int)) ######
I got lots of these errors :/
@Dariusz Did you ever figure out the problem? I'm seeing something similar having moved to Qt6.2