Qt and ABI
I am starting to create Qt based cpp dynamically linked libraries and was wonder if anyone had knew of any tools or rules Qt does to ensure ABI between releases. I know they follow the pimpl pattern but does Qt or anyone using Qt in a control environment do anything more. Say a tool like https://lvc.github.io/abi-compliance-checker/ where it can check ABI between versions. Any suggestions or in site on a good way to ensure ABI is not broken from a process standpoint would be greatly appreciated.
Given there have been a couple of cases where a new official release of Qt broke the ABI I don't think there is an official process to autotest this
My team stumbuled across this tool https://abi-laboratory.pro/index.php?view=timeline&l=qt which is anaylizing Qt's symbols. So I was curious is Qt does any of this upfront. Sounds like no that I need to take this into account on my own and utilize tools like this to determine if my ABI will break.