QImage and scaling problems
General and Desktop
This is my code
void MainWindow::on_BUTTON_SELECTIMAGE_MATRIX_clicked() { // Open QFileDialog and store the path in fileName QString filePath = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Open Image"), "c\\", tr("Image Files (*.png *.jpg *.bmp)")); ui->TEXT_IMG_PATH->setText(filePath); // Display the path to the image selected imageObject = new QImage(); // Make a new imageObject imageObject->load(filePath); // Load the image from path if(!filePath.isEmpty()) // Check to see that a image is selected and stored in fileName { QFile f(filePath); QFileInfo fileInfo(f.fileName()); QString filename(fileInfo.fileName()); imageHandler(imageObject, filename); // Send the Image for processing } } void MainWindow::imageHandler(QImage *img, QString fileName) { if(img->size() == QSize(32, 32)) { qDebug() << "[IMAGEHANDLER][INFO] 1. Image is 32x32"; } else { qDebug() << "[IMAGEHANDLER][INFO] 1. Image is NOT 32x32"; qDebug() << "[IMAGEHANDLER][INFO] 2. Resizing Image to 32x32"; img->scaled(32, 32, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation); // Scale the image down to 32x32 } QImage img2{32, 32, QImage::Format_RGB16}; // The image is stored using a 16-bit RGB format (5-6-5). img2.fill(QColor(Qt::black).rgb()); // Fill the new image with a black background (needs to be filled to get the correct color data) QPainter painter(&img2); // Prepare new image for painting painter.drawImage(0, 0, *img); // Paint the original image onto the new image img2.save(fileName); // Save that fucker and lets move on // Get the color 16bit (5-6-5) color data and put it in a QVector and prepare for sending to ESP32 QVector<quint16> RGB565; RGB565.reserve(img2.width() * img2.height()); for(int y = 0; y < img2.height(); y++) { const quint16 *line = reinterpret_cast<const quint16*>(img2.constScanLine(y)); for(int x = 0; x < img2.width(); x++) RGB565 << *(line++); } }
Original Picture
what i get
so what am i doing wrong? (the size of the image is 32x32 and alpha channel is removed and replaced with a black background! that is correct! however as you can see in the right bottom corner you see alittle red from marios hat so the image did not get scaled down)
@Kris-Revi said in QImage and scaling problems:
img->scaled(32, 32, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation);
is const. it doesn't change the image but return a copy of the image scaled.