Building qt 5.15.1 static on windows using mingw
Hello i am trying to build the newest version of qt on windows, using mingw 8.1.0 64 bit.
using the following batch script to buildset OPENSSL_DIR=C:\OpenSSL-Win64 configure -release -static -opensource -confirm-license -static-runtime -no-pch -optimize-size -v -opengl desktop -platform win32-g++ -prefix "C:\Qt\QT-Static" -skip webengine -nomake tools -nomake tests -nomake examples -openssl-linked OPENSSL_INCDIR="%OPENSSL_DIR%\include" OPENSSL_LIBDIR="%OPENSSL_DIR%\lib\VC\static" OPENSSL_LIBS="-lWs2_32 -lGdi32 -lAdvapi32 -lCrypt32 -lUser32" OPENSSL_LIBS_DEBUG="-llibssl64MDd -llibcrypto64MDd" OPENSSL_LIBS_RELEASE="-llibssl64MD -llibcrypto64MD" mingw32-make install pause
C:\OpenSSL-Win64 is my installtion of 1.1.1g 64bit
building on
This is the error i getERROR: Feature 'openssl-linked' was enabled, but the pre-condition '!features.securetransport && !features.schannel && libs.openssl' failed.
how can i fix this? full config.log here:
Isn't this obvious enough?
Trying source 1 (type inline) of library openssl ... Include path \\include is invalid.
You have to escape the backslashes or use forward slashes
- this said i should any ways fell kinda stupid for not checking that.
Now I really wonder what's going wrong since the examples also use backslashes and it works. Please try with escaping or forward slasshes, take a look in the config log if it works then and report back.
hm yeah that wasent the issue. new configC:\Qt\qt-everywhere-src-5.15.1-2\configure.bat -release -static -opensource -confirm-license -static-runtime -no-pch -optimize-size -opengl desktop -platform win32-g++ -prefix "C:\Qt\QT-Static" -skip webengine -nomake tools -nomake tests -nomake examples -openssl-linked OPENSSL_INCDIR="C:\OpenSSL-Win64\include" OPENSSL_LIBDIR="C:\OpenSSL-Win64\lib\VC\static" OPENSSL_LIBS="-lWs2_32 -lGdi32 -lAdvapi32 -lCrypt32 -lUser32" OPENSSL_LIBS_DEBUG="-llibssl64MDd -llibcrypto64MDd" OPENSSL_LIBS_RELEASE="-llibssl64MD -llibcrypto64MD" mingw32-make mingw32-make install pause
new ps1 file changed to absolute paths.
But now the config log output changed to undefined references to some functions. Since you're using mingw you should not use the msvc openssl libs.
I switched to for openssl but i now have a issue(which i also had before).
it seems that all the options cant be found
i dont know how to solve this how would i got aboudt this? -
ok fixed that with the following line
configure.bat -release -static -opensource -confirm-license -static-runtime -qt-zlib -qt-libjpeg -qt-tiff -qt-webp -qt-libpng -qt-freetype -qt-pcre -qt-harfbuzz -gui -widgets -no-pch -opengl desktop -platform win32-g++ -prefix "C:\Qt\QT-Static-2" -skip webengine -nomake tools -nomake tests -nomake examples -openssl-linked OPENSSL_INCDIR="C:\OpenSSL-Win64\include" OPENSSL_LIBDIR="C:\OpenSSL-Win64\lib" OPENSSL_LIBS="-lWs2_32 -lGdi32 -lAdvapi32 -lCrypt32 -lUser32" OPENSSL_LIBS_DEBUG="-lssl -lcrypto" OPENSSL_LIBS_RELEASE="-lssl -lcrypto"
issue is now it wont find the -lssl and -lcrypto when building the app even thoe it is there