Nested QML Menu from nested QStandardItemModel
General and Desktop
Hello. I have a nested model subclassed from QStandardItemModel and filled like this:
/*----MyModel.cpp----*/ for(int row = 0; row < 10; row++){ setData(index(row,0), "Item"+QString::number(row), Name); setData(index(row,0), 0, Value); setData(index(row,0), "description of item"+QString::number(row), Description); QStandardItem *item = itemFromIndex(index(row,0)); for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++){ QStandardItem *subitem = new QStandardItem; subitem->setData("SubItem"+QString::number(i), Name); subitem->setData(0, Value); subitem->setData("Description of subItem"+QString::number(i), Description); item->appendRow(subitem); } }
So, to create a Menu from this model I use
:import MyModel 1.0 //it is registered in main.cpp MyModel{ id:myModel } Menu{ id: topMenu title: "Example" Instantiator{ model: myModel onObjectRemoved: topMenu.removeItem( object ) delegate: Component{ Loader:{ id: loader onStatusChanged: if (status == Loader.Ready) { topMenu.insertMenu( index, item ); loader.item.itemModel = model; } source: "SubMenuLoader.qml" } } } }
My problem is that the model I pass to SubMenuLoader.qml is
, which means when I create the Instantiator in SubMenuLoader.qml I will only have the current item, there is no property or method to get children of this model item in QML. I also didn't manage to expose items children from C++, because QML won't understand QList<QStandardItem*>. Even after I declared it as metatype it turns into [QVariant(QStandardItem*, ), QVariant(QStandardItem*, ) ...(and so on)]