QMetaObject::invokeMethod, lambda and duplicated objects...
General and Desktop
Here is a rough idea of the code
testClass::testClass(){ moveToThread(&workThread); /// thread defined as QThread workThread in h. workThread.start() } void testClass::sendMsg(someObject*objPtr){ QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this,[&](){handleObjectData(objPtr);} ,Qt::QueuedConnection); } void testClass::handleObjectData(someObject *objPtr){ qDebug()<<objPtr; /// < this is different object to the one I send above in meta... as if it got copied... why ? }
For some reason when I try to send function/data from MainThread to testClass that is in different thread than mainThread, QT just copies the object... even tho I'm trying to send pointer...
Any ideas?
How did you check? Since you only pass a pointer no object can be copied here.
I did print in sendMsg before meta, and after inside
, I also checked in debug, the object was copied with invalid values, since I didn't implement object copy constructor, not sure. Its weird to me as I should have passed ptr and not obj... weird ! -
Again: you only pass a pointer - there can't be any implicit copy. Please provide a fully working example. Print out the pointer during sendMsg()