Can't step into Qt code (MinGW)
Debugging my application I can step into my own functions but not into the Qt library code.
Stack view also shows no source related info for Qt library frames:
0 MainWindow::on_actionDebug_triggered mainwindow.cpp 20 0x40167e
1 MainWindow::qt_metacall moc_mainwindow.cpp 72 0x40179a
2 ZN11QMetaObject8metacallEP7QObjectNS_4CallEiPPv C:\QtSDK\Desktop\Qt\4.7.4\mingw\lib\QtCored4.dll 0 0x6a20611c
3 ZN11QMetaObject8activateEP7QObjectPKS_iPPv C:\QtSDK\Desktop\Qt\4.7.4\mingw\lib\QtCored4.dll 0 0x6a216ab8
4 ZN7QAction9triggeredEb C:\QtSDK\Desktop\Qt\4.7.4\mingw\lib\QtGuid4.dll 0 0x68f5f630
@From the beginning:
- I installed Qt SDK version 1.1.4 with Desktop Qt 4.7.4 MinGW & Qt Sources 4.7.4
- Added "C:\QtSDK\QtSources\4.7.4" as Qt Sources in Qt Creator debugger options
- Created default Qt GUI project
- Build it in debug mode & started debugging.
Unfortunately I can debug Qt code only in disassembler view.
Does anyone know how to solve this problem?
Thanks. -
bq. 2. Added “C:\QtSDK\QtSources\4.7.4” as Qt Sources in Qt Creator debugger options
I think the problem is not in the sources location.
When debugging with Qt 4.7.3 stack view shows source file names even when sources location is not setup.
With Qt 4.7.4 dll names are shown in the stack instead of source file names.