[Solved] MFC application using DLL created by Qt
Now I want to use some Qt widgets at my own MFC app.
I am prohibited to change my Development tool(VS8) and use ActiveX control(QAxObject),
so I want to use Qt widgets as Library( i.e *.dll).Please teach me wheather is it possible?
If it is possible, I want to do the same thing at Solaris application.
You want to have a look at the Qt-MFC migration framework in QtSolutions
"http://qt.nokia.com/products/appdev/add-on-products/catalog/4/Windows/qtwinmigrate/":http://qt.nokia.com/products/appdev/add-on-products/catalog/4/Windows/qtwinmigrate/This has information on how to use Qt widgets in a Win32 application.
The main problem is the event loop - the MFC application handles the events so Qt widgets won't get them. AFAIK the Qt-MFC framework provides the classes for synchronizing the event loops so that your Qt widgets will get Qt events.
[edit: fixed link]
Thank Mr.David for sending me good information.
QWinWidget is interesting!
But I met the trouble using QWinWidget.About qtwinmigrate-2.8_1-opensource, I have two questions.
At install.txt "3. Building the component and examples "
g++ is required. But g++ is not found.
My setup(vista) seems to be wrong?From QtCreator, I open buildlib.pro and build library.
By VC++2008 Express, I add two header
<QWinWidget>,<QMessageBox> at my MFC app.At BOOL InitInstance(HINSTANCE hInstance, int nCmdShow),
I write simple the following simple code:
QWinWidget qwin(hWnd);
QMessageBox::information(&qwin, "Caption", "Information Text");int argc = 0;
QApplication a( argc, 0 );return a.exec();
But I met the following error
error LNK2019: "__declspec(dllimport) public: virtual __thiscall QWinWidget::~QWinWidget(void)"I apologize my lack of skills, but if it is possible, could you advise?
When I compiled Qt by VC2008express, I didn’t meet above trouble.
So This problem was solved for me^^;