Missing QML components
I'm trying to convert a Fremantel QWidget application to Harmattan QT Quick, but in the designer (in creator) I only have Basic, Positioners and Views tab !
Shouldn't there be some components such as buttons etc ?
I get the same result if I try to design for desktop or symbian !
I'm using Ubuntu 11.10, and latest update of the SDK.
This very simple code shows the problem :
@import QtQuick 1.1
import com.nokia.meego 1.0
import QtQuick 1.0Page {
id: page1
tools: commonToolsButton { id: button1; anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter; anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter}
Button is known in the editor (it can list the properties), but when I open the designer I get the following :
As shown here I only have the component pages basic, positioner and views, none of them contains a button.
When I select button1 (as in this image) nothing is shown, this goes for all components, even those listed in the library section (some does show a blue rectangle where they should be).
When I run the program in the simulator I do get an empty button centered on the display !
Hope someone can help.