Serializing QVector of pointers
I'm not sure that this is a full question of Qt, but I don't know where to ask, so I am here !
I have a QVector of objects, referenced by pointers. It is so a QVector of pointers.
I want to serialize my class containing this QVector. I overloaded the operators << and >>, and the serializing is working for the most of my attributes.
However, the serializing of my QVector is not working. I bet I have to serialize all the objects inside the QVector and rebuilt it in output, but I don't know how to do that. I bet I should do a deep copy of the QVector, but don't know how to proceed inside my operator << or >>.
When I use the >> or << operator for my QVector, it serializes just the reference, and not the objects. How can I do that ?Thanks by advance
Did you implement operator<< and operator>> for the pointer type of your type?
QDataStream& operator<<(QDataStream& s, const YourType *yt);
QDataStream& operator>>(QDataStream& s, YourType *yt);
@And don't forget to make operator<< a friend of your class, otherwise you cannot access the private members you want to serialize.