How to switch forms?
i'm new to QT development.
i'm trying to write a multi-form application that will run on linux/android, i read through the documentation, and am able to get a 'hello world' app running on my android box.
then, put a few buttons/labels/displays on the main form. figure out how to hook up event handlers with the buttons.
now, i make a second form.
i want to be able to push the button and bring up the second form. (and more forms as my app progresses).
can anyone tell me how to do this?thanks!
okay, so i did this in my event handler:
Screen1 *screen1 = new Screen1();
screen1->show();Screen1 is of course my other form. this works, except that the new form pops up like a dialog, leaving the original screen running. that's closer, but not quite what i want to do. what i want to do is replace the original ui, along with all it's controls & code.
hiding the main window probably isn't quite what i wanted to do.
i want to be able to start the app with a home screen, then click a button and go to another screen. the second(and subsequent) screens will have their own controls, event handlers, etc. i then want to be able to switch to other screens, as well as return to the 'home' screen.
i'll take a look at QStackedWidget, that sounds like it might be closer to what i wish to do.
thanks for input, i'll report back what i discover here.