QML - Stackview - REPLACE transition
Dear all,
I'm quite new to QML. I'm trying to improve myself by building an HMI app.
To display different qml files, I'm using Stackview. (Maybe there is a better solution?)I have 4 buttons as you can see on above pictures. Every button displays another qml file.
I have two issues.
- When Opening a different QML file, it swipes in to the display. I don't want it to swipe in, I just want it to pop up.
- I'm only able to open the qml files in a certain order.
First, Although I have written the following code, the qml still swipes into the screen.
workspace_stacked_view{ initialItem: Qt.resolvedUrl("qrc:/pages/HomePage.qml") delegate:{ StackViewDelegate:{ function transitionFinished(properties) { properties.exitItem.opacity = 1 } replaceTransition: StackViewTransition:{ PropertyAnimation: { target: replaceEnter property: "opacity" from: 0 to: 1 } PropertyAnimation: { target: replaceExit property: "opacity" from: 1 to: 0 } } } } }
When I run this, I get the error :
ReferenceError: replaceEnter is not defined
I have changed this also to:
delegate:{ StackViewDelegate:{ function transitionFinished(properties) { properties.exitItem.opacity = 1 } replaceTransition: StackViewTransition:{ PropertyAnimation: { target: EnterItem property: "opacity" from: 0 to: 1 } PropertyAnimation: { target: exitItem property: "opacity" from: 1 to: 0 } } } } }
But I stil get the same issue.
ReferenceError: exitItem is not defined
I have absolutely no Idea why I get this error
Second, So from the information read of qt, I thought when the first qml stackview component is open and I call the third one, this will open when I call it with the replace parameter. It seams not, I'm only able to cal 1 --> 2 --> 3 --> 1 ...
What am I doing wrong here?
Below the .qml file.
import QtQuick 2.4 import QtQml 2.2 import QtQuick.Controls 1.4 import "qrc:/pages/" // import qml file from different resource folder Main_screenForm { readonly property int currentPage:backendQml.page button2_pushed.visible:true button3_pushed.visible:false button4_pushed.visible:false button5_pushed.visible:false onCurrentPageChanged: { pagechanger(backendQml.page); } mouse { onClicked: console.info("pushed mouse") } function pagechanger(n) { if(n < 5) { switch(n){ case 1: button2_pushed.visible=true button3_pushed.visible=false button4_pushed.visible=false button5_pushed.visible=false workspace_stacked_view.replace(Qt.resolvedUrl("qrc:/pages/HomePage.qml"));break; case 2: button2_pushed.visible=false button3_pushed.visible=true button4_pushed.visible=false button5_pushed.visible=false workspace_stacked_view.replace(Qt.resolvedUrl("qrc:/pages/SettingPage.qml"));break; case 3: button2_pushed.visible=false button3_pushed.visible=false button4_pushed.visible=true button5_pushed.visible=false workspace_stacked_view.replace(Qt.resolvedUrl("qrc:/pages/DiagnosePage.qml"));break; case 4: button2_pushed.visible=false button3_pushed.visible=false button4_pushed.visible=false button5_pushed.visible=true;break; } } } pushbutton2{ onClicked: { console.info("touch pushbutton2 clicked"); pagechanger(1); } } pushbutton3{ onClicked: { console.info("touch pushbutton3 clicked"); pagechanger(2); } } pushbutton4{ onClicked: { console.info("touch pushbutton4 clicked"); pagechanger(3); } } pushbutton5{ onClicked: { console.info("touch pushbutton5 clicked"); pagechanger(4); } } workspace_stacked_view{ initialItem: Qt.resolvedUrl("qrc:/pages/HomePage.qml") delegate:{ StackViewDelegate:{ function transitionFinished(properties) { properties.exitItem.opacity = 1 } replaceTransition: StackViewTransition:{ PropertyAnimation: { target: replaceEnter property: "opacity" from: 0 to: 1 } PropertyAnimation: { target: replaceExit property: "opacity" from: 1 to: 0 } } } } } Component{ id:homepage HomePage{ //anchors.fill:parent } } Component{ id:settingpage SettingPage{ //anchors.fill:parent } } Component{ id:diagnosepage DiagnosePage{ //anchors.fill:parent } } }
I hope somebody is ale to point me in the wright direction.
Thanks in advance,
Kind regards,
If you just want to display different qml components on the same area, have a look at the loader qml type. You can set the src for the loader component when hitting the button. For some types (like a dialog) you will have to also call visible = true or open() in the loaded item. You can access a src in the loader with loaderName.item.
Check out the example in the documentation:
After setting the source like in the example, you can set properties in the loaded qml with pageloader.item.<PROPERTY NAME>. replace <PROPERTY NAME> with the name of the property in your qml file.