Using a webscrapper in python in my C++ gui
I am wondering if it is easier to make a webscrapper using python and then implementing it into my C++ gui, but how will i convert my variables that are stored in c++ on users input over to python to get the necessary data to web scrap, what is the easiest way to go about this in QT? Thank you in advance!
An example is I would need the info in the picture to be able to be evaluated in python?
you can embed python in your c++ application, see here:
However if you want to build a Qt GUI for a python project why do you want to implement the GUI in c++ and not just use Qt for python?
@gde23 Because I want to focus on building my C++ experience right now and want the general application to be built in C++ but figured a bit of practice with python and integration would be nice and I know python is better for webscrapping and what not.