QChart setting axis
General and Desktop
I'm a beginner in Qt and have some trouble with the QChart widget.Here is my code:
In the constructor:ui->setupUi(this); m_chart = ui->graphView->chart(); m_xAxis = new QValueAxis; m_xAxis->setMax(1200.0); m_xAxis->setMin(0.0); m_xAxis->setTitleText("Distance"); m_chart->addAxis(m_xAxis, Qt::AlignBottom); m_yAxis = new QValueAxis; m_yAxis->setMax(25.0); m_yAxis->setMin(-25.0); m_yAxis->setTitleText("DDM (µA)"); m_chart->addAxis(m_yAxis, Qt::AlignLeft); m_chart->setTitle("Bend limits");
A pushButton with the following code:
QLineSeries *series = new QLineSeries(); m_series.append(series); QList<QPointF> data; for (int i = 0; i < 360; i++) { series->append(QPointF(i, Sin(qDegreesToRadians(qreal(i))))); } m_chart->addSeries(series); series->setName("Distances"); series->attachAxis(m_xAxis); series->attachAxis(m_yAxis);
A doubleSpinBox for changing the Axis range with the following code:
double test = ui->doubleSpinBox->value(); m_xAxis->setRange(0.0, test);
The problem is that each time I change the m_xAxis range a new plot is added.
First click on Draw button
Setting X max value to 600
What is the reason for this behavior and how can I get rid of it?
Thank you