[solved] ReferenceError: Can't find variable... on MeeGo Harmattan
I was wandering if any of you could help me with a problem I'm facing on Harmattan maybe you encountered this issue:
I always get file:///opt/cuteBoxQml/qml/cuteBoxQml/main.qml:9: ReferenceError: Can't find variable: appModel, but works on Desktop (Windows 7)
I have an application model class in C++ that I want to expose to QML rootContext so before setting my main QML file and I do something like this:@ QScopedPointer<QmlApplicationViewer> viewer(QmlApplicationViewer::create());
GenApplicationManager *appManager = GenApplicationManager::instance();
qDebug() << "root context before setMainQmlFile: " << viewer->rootContext();
appManager->run(); << I set here the properties
qDebug() << "[appModel]: " << viewer->rootContext()->contextProperty("appModel");
qDebug() << "root context after setMainQmlFile: " << viewer->rootContext();
qDebug() << "[appModel]: " << viewer->rootContext()->contextProperty("appModel");
In appManager->run() I set the context properties I need:@void GenApplicationManager::run()
qDebug() << "[GenApplicationManager::run] - set AppMgr and appModel context properties";
_qmlViewer->rootContext()->setContextProperty("AppMgr", this);
_qmlViewer->rootContext()->setContextProperty("appModel", _applicationModel);
_thumbnailManager = new GenThumbnailManager(_applicationModel);
}@...and in QML I use it like this:
@import QtQuick 1.1
import com.nokia.meego 1.0
import "ui"
PageStackWindow {
id: appWindow
function setInitialPage() {
if (appModel.userToken === "" || appModel.userSecret === "")
return Qt.resolvedUrl("ui/WelcomePage.qml")
return Qt.resolvedUrl("ui/MainPage.qml")
initialPage: setInitialPage()
platformStyle: PageStackWindowStyle {
background: Qt.resolvedUrl("resources/images/cute_background.png")
backgroundFillMode: Image.PreserveAspectCrop
}@I used same code on Desktop (Windows 7) and MeeGo (N9), it works on Desktop flawlessly but on N9 fails with that ReferenceError.
Any help would be appreciated. -
I find out this is a known issue due to new Qt Quick application template for Meego here is the "bug report":https://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTCREATORBUG-6490
This "post":http://meegoharmattandev.blogspot.com/2011/11/qmlapplicationviewer-and.html gives a workaround for this issue until a fix is officially released.