[Solved] .pro files and CompilerFlags
I'm using Qt-Creator with VS2010 compiler.
When I'm adding
@QMAKE_CFLAGS_WARN_ON += -W4@ to my .pro file, the compiler is still called with -w3. Also when im changing the qmake.conf file to -w4 he still uses -w3 .
When I display the content of the QMAKE_CFLAGS_WARN_ON variable, its only -w4 in it. So why is make called with -w3?
i dont understand this behaviour, and would be glad about any suggestions
@message($$QMAKE_CFLAGS_WARN_ON)@ -
As I understand the doc and as I use the qmake, I put the flag...
@CONFIG += warn_on@
... to maximize the warning at compilation time, and so I don't set the value of QMAKE_CFLAGS_WARN_ON directly.
Ref : "http://doc.trolltech.com/4.6/qmake-variable-reference.html#qmake-cflags-warn-on":http://doc.trolltech.com/4.6/qmake-variable-reference.html#qmake-cflags-warn-on
have a look "here.":http://pepper.troll.no/s60prereleases/doc/qmake-variable-reference.html#qmake-cxxflags this might help you