Qt Creator paths with autotools project
[I already asked this on Stack Overflow, but no answer yet]
I'm fairly new to Qt Creator. One of the projects that I'm working on is Valgrind on macOS and FreeBSD. Importing the project, which is autotools based, and building work fine.
However, some directories do not get added to the Qt Creator project. In particular, VEX/pub is missing. This is a header-only directory (one of my guesses as to why it isn't added is that nothing gets compiled there). This directory contains some crucial headers like libvex_basictypes.h containing stuff like
typedef signed int Int;
Consequently the editor panel is a big mess of red "unknown type name" Semantic Issues.
I don't see any way to add VEX/pub manually. Is there a way to force Qt Creator to add it, or to modify the autotools input files so that Qt Creator will pick it up?
Hi @paulf,
AFAIK, the Autotools project is not actively maintained, so I'm not sure if that can be achived.
But it may be possible to import the project as Generic or Compilation database project, which may give better results.
Btw: Kudos for working on valgrind!