Can't load page.
First of all, this is my first post here. Hopefully it's in the right category.
For my company we're looking for a wrapper to run our Unity WebGL build in. We want to do specific things you can't with a regular browser.Upon download QT creator and starting their nano browser example, i browsed to our Unity project.
However, I get multiple errors and I honestly have no clue where to start searching for this issue.Below is a part of the error log:
I have hiden the address to our servers etc since i'm not sure if my company agrees with posting all of that online. But that's only the address its connecting to. So that shouldnt be needed I guess?Any help/direction to start looking is appreciated. If you need any more info just let me know. I will do my best to deliver it.
Thanks in advance!
There's a line in the error log with... "source: https://"
Are you browsing to a secure webpage?
Do you have SSL installed?if ( QSslSocket::supportsSsl() ) { qDebug() << "SSL support found" ; qDebug() << "SSL lib build: " << QSslSocket::sslLibraryBuildVersionString(); qDebug() << "SSL lib version: " << QSslSocket::sslLibraryVersionString() ; } else qDebug() << "SSL support NOT found" ;