QT Designer adds QGridLayout in generated XML but not visible in Object Inspector
General and Desktop
I have a .ui file which is part of a github project. (ie I didn't design it.)
QT Creator/Designer is instantiating a QGridLayout in the xml file, but that component is not visible in the form previewer nor the Object Inspector. Here is a snippet of code from my .ui form XML file:... <layout class="QGridLayout" name="gridLayout"> <property name=...> (Several related properties not relevant) <item row="0" column="0"> <widget class="qfi_NAV" name="graphicsNAV"> ... <property xxx...> (lots of properties) ... </widget> </item> </layout>
However, the only three items shown in the form designer's Object Inspector are:
myWidget | QWidget myFrame | QFrame graphicsNAV | qfi_Nav (my own subclass of QGraphicsView)
Any idea why I don't see the QGridLayout which gets autogenerated from this .ui form? Why doesn't it appear on Object Inspector in QT Design mode? Where is this QGridLayout coming from and how do I control its properties if I can't see it?