RaspberryPi: module "Qtquick.Controls" is not installed
QML and Qt Quick
I cross compiled Qt for the RaspberryPi 4, but then run into errors of the type:qrc:/mainCyclicVoltammetry.qml:6 module "QtQuick.Controls.Material" is not installed qrc:/mainCyclicVoltammetry.qml:5 module "Qt.labs.platform" is not installed qrc:/mainCyclicVoltammetry.qml:3 module "QtQuick.Controls" is not installed qrc:/mainCyclicVoltammetry.qml:6 module "QtQuick.Controls.Material" is not installed qrc:/mainCyclicVoltammetry.qml:5 module "Qt.labs.platform" is not installed qrc:/mainCyclicVoltammetry.qml:3 module "QtQuick.Controls" is not installed qrc:/mainCyclicVoltammetry.qml:6 module "QtQuick.Controls.Material" is not installed qrc:/mainCyclicVoltammetry.qml:5 module "Qt.labs.platform" is not installed qrc:/mainCyclicVoltammetry.qml:3 module "QtQuick.Controls" is not installed
I might very well have forgotten to copy some files or set some environment variable. What do I need to do to make Qt find those modules. ldd says that the executable found all the dlls it needs.
I should mention that I tried to set the following environment variables (output of export):
declare -x QML2_IMPORT_PATH="/opt/qt5pi/qml/" declare -x QML_IMPORT_PATH="/opt/qt5pi/qml/" declare -x QT_PLUGIN_PATH="/opt/qt5pi/plugins" declare -x QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME="qt5ct"
the content of /opt/qt5pi/qml is
pi@raspberrypi:/opt/qt5pi/qml $ ls builtins.qmltypes Qt QtQml QtQuick QtQuick.2 QtTest
and for example of QtQuick:
pi@raspberrypi:/opt/qt5pi/qml/QtQuick $ ls Layouts LocalStorage Particles.2 Shapes Window.2
Is there something missing?