Selecting a row in QTreeView programmatically
Hi all,
I have been trying to select a row (also go to that row) from a qtreeview problematically but could not achieve it.
I know there are already couple of questions for the same but none of them could help me to get what I expect.I have tried below codes :
QModelIndex idx= m_pOutlineTree->model()->index(3, 0, index_view); //index_view is my root QModelIndex of complete qtreeview and 3,0 is the row no I have to go to. /*1.*/ myTreeView->setCurrentIndex(idx); /*2.*/myTreeView->selectionModel()->select(idx, QItemSelectionModel::ClearAndSelect | QItemSelectionModel::Rows);
But none of the above works as intended.
Could anyone please guide me what I am missing or a better way to achieve this.
Did you check if idx is acutally valid?
Thank you for the reply.
Yes, Its valid. I tried to print the data, row and column to check if it actually the one i intent it to be. And its fine.QVariant data = m_pOutlineTree->model()->data(idx); QString text = data.toString(); qDebug()<<text + " " + QString::number(idx.row()) + " " + QString::number(idx.column());
@NoumanYosuf said in Selecting a row in QTreeView programmatically:
index_view is my root QModelIndex
I'm asking because this somehow makes no sense - when it's the root index then index_view is a simple, invalid QModelIndex.
Please check that QTreeView::currentIndex() actually returns your index. -
currentIndex() returns a valid index.I am not sure where is the mistake.