Qt Creator 's bug? If my program has scanf(), getchar() or some like them, It can't run!
I'm using Qt Creator in linux, Debian. No matter whether I install it with "apt install qtcreator", or with the ".run" installation file in the official website, the problem appears!
For example, if I try to run this program, it shows "starting ***(my program name)..." and can't go on.
![alt text](/DATA_SSD/.linux/home/zzc/图片/2019-08-19 20-33-50屏幕截图.png)
However, if I delete the "getchar()", it can print "Hello World!"!
![alt text](/DATA_SSD/.linux/home/zzc/图片/2019-08-19 20-37-17屏幕截图.png)
Similarly, if I use scanf() like getchar(), it also show that and can't go on!
Do anyone know how to sovle it? -
Hi @zzc2422
(your picture upload did not work, it seems, so I'm guessing).
Do you run your program in a terminal window or directly in Creators Application Output? Because the Application Output is really only an output, you cannot input anything there.
That is tracked by QTCREATORBUG-12453 and linked reports. Feel free to comment and vote there.