Serialising variants - QVector<int>() from value.
General and Desktop
And I'm stuck, I have a
QMap<int,QMap<int,QVariant>> as my data structure in my treeView.
I was trying to serialize it but I keep getting >
WARNING: QVariant::save: unable to save type 'QVector<int>' (type id: 1033). (kernel\qvariant.cpp:2593, void __cdecl QVariant::save(class QDataStream &) const)
As far as I can tell, I have 7 items in my map and some of them are :
QVector<int> data; QVariant::fromValue(data);
Other than that I don't see other issues, when I look in debug at the map some of variatns have no value at all and others have (invalid) as flag next to them...
What did I do ? :- )
Kay so I did some digging, looks like I have to register it and somehow implement...but how?
qRegisterMetaType<QVector<int>>("QVector<int>"); QMap<int, QVariant> wah; wah[0] = QVariant::fromValue(QVector<int>{12, 231, 45, 125, 123, 12, 312, 4, 12}); qDebug() << wah; QByteArray ar; QDataStream s(&ar, QIODevice::WriteOnly); s << wah;
returns the same error...
Tried adding this above main... still no luck...
QDataStream &operator<<(QDataStream &out, const QVector<int> &vec) { out << vec.size(); for (auto &v:vec) { out << v; } return out; }; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
Answer :
Needed to add :
I really wish that Docs would explain that... "easier" or mention it somehow. Took a while to read a whole bunch of info to realize this :/